Friday, December 1, 2017

1) What is the status of your passion project? Is it done? Almost done? Halfway done? Less than halfway done?
           My passion project is almost done. 
2) How have you documented your progress? What have you taken pictures or video of? Remember, you want to have some kind of visual evidence of your progress and journey.
         I haven't documented anything yet about my passion project.
3) What platform are you going to use to share your project? Will you be publishing it on YouTube? Instagram? Something else? Whatever you end up choosing, you'll want to be able to link to it from your blog so we can all see your work.
         I don't know how I will be sharing my project yet.
4) What has been the most enjoyable aspect of your project so far? What has been the most fun or meaningful or personally satisfying?
             The most enjoyable aspect of my project was making posters.
5) Do you have any questions about how to complete your project? Is there anything your classmates or I could help you with in order to ensure your project is done by the due date?
            I don't have any questions and I'm almost done so I don't need any help getting it done before the due date.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Documenting and publicizing your project

1) What, specifically, are you doing for your project? 
     I am making people more aware to recycle and to make posters and put them up to make more people recycle.
2) How many steps or tasks does your project involve? What do you have to actually do between now and the end of your project?
       My project takes multiple steps and I am almost done with my project all I have to do is to document my project and publicize it.
3) Which of these steps or tasks would work well for documentation? What could you take photos or videos of?
     The step that worked well with documenting is when I put posters up around town.

4) How do you plan to share and publicize your work? Will you publish a video to YouTube and share the link with friends and teachers? Will you write an article for the Spotlight Media Group for publication on Will you create and publish a photo gallery on the Spotlight website or Instagram or some other form of social media?
      I publicized the work by putting up posters making people more aware.

5) How close are you to being done with your project? 
      I have about a step or two left and then my project will be done.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Second step

1) What was your specific next step? What did you do? If you called or contacted someone or some place, who/where/what did you contact?
           My first step was to make posters and hang them up around town to make people more aware to start recycling. 
2) How did your conversation or correspondence go? What new ideas or information or direction do you have for your project?
          It went good, new ideas I have is to go around and knock on houses and inform some people on recycling more and tell them to recycle anywhere they can.
3) What do you need to do next to keep the momentum of your project going? What are you going to do or create?    
            My next step is too knock on people's door to inform them and put up more posters around town to inform as many people as possible.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Passion Project First Step

1) What you're doing for your project.
              For my project I am going to make people around the school and around town more aware of recycling and saving trees.

2) What your next step will be.
        My next step will be to put up posters around town/school about saving the trees and recycling.

3) How or what, specifically, you will do to take that step.
                  I will go at home and go to google docs and make a poster about how people should try to recycle more and what they should try to do to recycle and make the town cleaner. Also make a poster about saving trees and using less paper and saving space on paper to save the trees.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Personality Test

1. What is your type? Provide the initials with percentages as well as the full words. 1) ENFP that stands for Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Preceiving.

2. What are three characteristics of your type? What to help and be liked by people, outgoing, warm and generally like people.

3. Do you generally agree or generally disagree with your rating? I generally agree with my rating.

4. What are three possible career choices for people of your type? Dressmaking, Acting and Fitness.

5. What is one observation about the learning style of people with your type? driven by the search for a solution.

6. Who are three famous people with your type? Will Smith, Paul Harvey, and Dr. Suess

Monday, September 18, 2017

I've narrowed my options down to Nature, Writing, Traveling and Pollution. There are so many things that could be done with these four things. I noticed that I could do something about Traveling, nature and pollution. I could do a project relating those ideas and incorporate them to make one project. One idea is too go around the neighborhood and pick up all the trash and put all the bottles in the recycling to make this earth less polluted. Some overlaps I noticed was nature and pollution. There are many ideas I could do with that. Also nature and writing, writing goes with anything and I could incorporate that into my project. I don't have any ideas right now that I could possibly do for my project.